Magswitch MagWheel 95 - 8100401

Magswitch MagWheel 95 - 8100401
Magswitch MagWheel 95 - 8100401 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch MagWheel 95 - 8100401 - Mag-Tools Europe
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Magswitch MagWheel 95 - 8100401

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Regular price
€157,06 each
Sale price
€157,06 each
Vat : ( €29,84 each / Total: €186,90 each )
(19 % Vat applicable for European Country )
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Powerful connection for drive units on any ferrous surface enabling flat, vertical or inverse travel. Switch on and off 17 kg of magnetic hold force by rotating the knob. Applications include positioning and guiding, sheet feeding, pipe handling, fitting and fabrication, and numerous OEM automation and fixturing applications.


  • Magnet turns completely on and off.
  • Magnet stays clean.
  • Does not use an electrical power source.
  • Holds to flat and round surfaces of steel. 
  • Non-marring hold.
  • Compact and easy to use.
  • Can be fitted with drive units for mobile applications


  • Max Breakaway: 38 lbs / 17.2 kg
  • Product Weight: 0.7 lbs / 0.3 kg
  • Dimensions: 2.2 x 1.6 x 2.2 in / 55.8 x 40.6 x 55.8 mm
  • Magnetic Pole Footprint: 41 mm x 45.87 mm

Product price in EUR is exclusive of VAT. Currency conversion is based on market rate.


Magswitch MagWheel-95 Spec Sheet

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