Magswitch MagWheel 150 - 8100074

Magswitch MagWheel 150 - 8100074
Magswitch MagWheel 150 - 8100074 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch MagWheel 150 - 8100074 - Mag-Tools Europe
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Magswitch MagWheel 150 - 8100074

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€205,80 each
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€205,80 each
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Magswitch MagWheel 150 – 8100074
The MagWheel 150 provides a powerful connection for drive units on any ferrous surface enabling flat, vertical or inverse travel. Applications include positioning and guiding, sheet feeding, pipe handling, fitting and fabrication, and numerous OEM automation and fixturing applications.


  • MagWheel can be fitted with drive units for mobile applications.
  • MagWheel results in efficiency, new applications, and productibe solutions.
  • Underneath the patented MagWheel design is the highly functional AR Housing. Through clever innovation of the original Magswitch, the MagWheel provides all the features of a standard Magswitch on the move. The magnetic flux path through the wheels means climbing, carrying, and driving anywhere above or below a ferrous surface is now a reliable, fail-safe reality.

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