Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 - 8100006

Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 - 8100006
Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 - 8100006 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 - 8100006 - Mag-Tools Europe
Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 - 8100006 - Mag-Tools Europe
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Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 - 8100006

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Regular price
€108,32 each
Sale price
€108,32 each
Vat : ( €20,58 each / Total: €128,90 each )
(19 % Vat applicable for European Country )
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Need a helping hand? Organize your workspace with our magnetic hook by hanging tools, lights, wires, cables and more. Turn the handle on and off for 91 kg of magnetic holding power. 


  • Magnetic field turns completely on and off mechanically.
  • Does not use an electrical power source.
  • Magnets stay clean.
  • Attaches to flat and round surfaces of steel.
  • Locking handle for safety. 
  • Lightweight and reliable.
  • Max hold weight is 40 lbs on steel .25" or thicker.

 Product price in EUR is exclusive of VAT. Currency conversion is based on market rate. 


  • Max Breakway: 200 lbs (91.6 kg)
  • Full Saturation Thickness: 1'' (25.4 mm)
  • 2:1 Shear Working Load: 28 lbs (12.7 kg)
  • Product Weight: 1.8 lbs (0.8 kg)
  • Dimensions: 2.7 x 2.7 x 4.1 in (68.5 x 68.5 x 104.1 mm)
  • Magnetic Pole Footprint: 69 mm diameter


Magswitch Mag-Utility Hook 40 Spec Sheet

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