MagMount 60 Keychain Magnet - 81001291

MagMount 60 Keychain Magnet - 81001291
MagMount 60 Keychain Magnet - 81001291 - Mag-Tools Europe
MagMount 60 Keychain Magnet - 81001291 - Mag-Tools Europe
MagMount 60 Keychain Magnet - 81001291 - Mag-Tools Europe
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MagMount 60 Keychain Magnet - 81001291

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Regular price
€20,08 each
Sale price
€20,08 each
Vat : ( €3,82 each / Total: €23,90 each )
(19 % Vat applicable for European Country )
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Magswitch MagMount 60 Keychain features is our novelty size MagMount featuring 60 lbs of magnetic strength.


  • Mount phones, security gadgets, cameras, cables, wires, lights & so much more.
  • Provides 60 lbs of magnetic strength
  • Switchable magnet turns completely On & Off
  • Coined-edge split ring makes adding/removing keys easy
  • Attaches to any ferromagnetic material
  • Use around the house, shop, office, garden, parties & more

Images are of product prototype. Final product version will differ in appearance.

    Product price in EUR is exclusive of VAT. Currency conversion is based on market rate.

    Magswitch MagJig 60 Spec Sheet

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